Premium Cast 100µm (micron) Araç Kaplama
Atlantic Pearl (hava kanallı)
K75403a Vengeance Red - Metalik- Hv.Kanallı (L4)
K75403A Vengeance Red (hava kanallı)
gloss double cast
premıum cast VINYL
K75402 Atlantic Pearl Gloss 100 micron Cast Vehicle Wrapping Film
Semi permanent adhesive
AiRelease Liner
Vehicle wrapping vinyl, suitable for total vehicle cover, vehicle graphics, signs and decal applications.
Excellent conformability. Removable, under controlled conditions, up to a period of three years without leaving adhesive transfer.
Exceptional dimensional stability and long term durability suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
The combination of soft vinyl formulation and specific adhesive design allows the film to be removed using heat and/or chemicals up to a period of three years from a range of substrates subject to exceptions covered in the warranty.
Film Thickness - 100µm (film 70µm + glue 30µm)
ISO 4591:1992
Outdoor Weathering - Vertical Exposure/Mid Europe
Black/White/Clear Colours / 10-12 years
Metallics Colours / 5 years
Etch Window Films / 5 years
Click Below
Satışını yaptığımız kendinden yapışkanlı folyolar bu kategoride araç kaplama için kullanılan ürünler olmasına karşın, dekorasyon amaçlıda kullanılabilir. İç mimari çalışmalar, kaplamalar ve diğer alanlarda kullanabilirsiniz. Etiket üretimi yapabilirsiniz ve bunun gibi uygulamalar.